[svccridesupdate] Visit Snowhill Manor

Dear all,
Recently hinted that I was keen in leading a ride to the hugely interesting Snowhill Manor, run by the NT, but once owned by the eccentric Charles Wade.
I maybe be available this Sunday to take this on. It will be about 70 miles and fairly hilly, but spectacular Cotswolds views!
The cost to get in will be £14, for non members.
You may want to drive there? Let me know what you think?
John T, don’t think it will interfere with your Sunday easy ride, if it is please let me know.
If it doesn’t happen this Sunday, I’ll try another day later in the summer.
Kind regards,
Paul R
www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/gloucestershire-cotswolds/snowshill-manor-and-garden Sent from my iPhone

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