The “svccridesupdate” mailing list is a list of email addresses for members who have subscribed to it, have been approved to join it and is used by the club to inform members of upcoming rides and events. Last minute changes to rides are communicated using this list. Only members of the list are able to use it to send emails. Members do not need to have a Google email address or account. Emails sent to this list are also copied to the “Latest” heading at the top of the website home page.
To join the club mailing list follow this process:
- send an empty email (no subject or content) to
- after a few minutes you will receive an email asking you if you would like to continue with your join request in which case just click on “reply” and “send” which will send another empty email
- after a few more minutes you will receive an email telling you your join request has been received and is subject to approval by a committee member
- once your request has been approved you will receive another email confirming this
To send a message to the club mailing list follow this process:
- send an email to
To leave the club mailing list follow this process:
- send an empty email (no subject or content) to the following address and you will be advised that you have unsubscribed
Cyclists’ Touring Club (Cycling UK) a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No 25185, registered as a charity in England and Wales Charity No 1147607 and in Scotland No SCO42541. Registered office: Parklands, Railton Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 9JX