[svccridesupdate] Tomorrow’s ride

Tomorrow’s ride is a repeat of one I led more than a year ago, taking in the pretty valley at Ozleworth on the way to the Tortworth Farm Shop.


35 miles. Usual Dudbridge start time of 1.30pm. The route is



Dudbridge –  Nailsworth (via cycle track) – Horsley – Ozleworth – Hillesley – Kingswood – Tortworth – Lower Wick – Stinchcombe – Cam – Frocester – Stroud. See following link for details:





At the moment the weather looks likely to be cool, cloudy but dry….


Look forward to seeing some of you tomorrow (and please let me know if you plan to join along the route).


Tom Daltry

07770 815217





Broadridge House, Buckholt Road, Cranham, Glos. GL4 8HF

Tel: +44 (0) 1452 863011  Mob: +44 (0) 7770 815217  email: tom@daltry.net



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