[svccridesupdate] News about Upcoming Events

Hi everyone

What a lovely weekend for cycling it has been! There has been an off-road ride led by Phil, an easy / introductory ride led by John and an extra ride to Miserden led by Liz. Altogether we have had 24 different riders out on rides this weekend! 
Looking forward to Christmas – don't forget to send an email to stroudvalleyscc@gmail.com by Thursday 31st October to let us know if you are intending to come to the joint Christmas Dinner with the Stonehouse Wheelers on Sunday 15th December. 
Also a date for your diary – Sunday 8th December, A Celebration of Christmas for Cyclists at St Matthew's Cainscross. More details to follow soon. 
Finally, many of you will know Julien who rides with us sometimes. Sadly he came off his bike on a wet and muddy corner in Rodmarton last Sunday and fractured his pelvis. He has praised the top notch treatment at Stroud Minor Injuries Unit and we wish him all the best for a speedy recovery. 
Stay safe on those autumn roads everyone! 

Clare Smith, Secretary
Stroud Valleys Cycling Club, Member Group of Cycling UK
Cyclists’ Touring Club (Cycling UK) a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No 25185, registered as a charity in England and Wales Charity No 1147607 and in Scotland No SCO42541. Registered office: Parklands, Railton Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 9JX

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