[svccridesupdate] Sun 28 Aug 24 Club Ride

….should read Sun 27 Aug🥴.


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On 25 Aug 2023, at 12:21, paul rothwell <pnr1952@outlook.com&gt; wrote:

Dear all,
Details for our ride to Marshfield.
Firstly can you please confirm ASP, are you planning to stay for lunch? The Catherine Wheel like many Sunday pubs tend to only cater for those wanting a  roasted lunch. However, they will accommodate us with sandwiches/baguettes etc, but they have to buy this stuff in, hence they’ve asked for numberes. 
Meet: Wallbridge @ 09.30
Mid morning break: The Court Yard Cafe Sheraton.
Route: Is approximately 62 miles. Going in an anti-clockwise direction i.e Nailsworth first. Refer to RWGPS map.
Even with modern technology, at this stage it’s difficult to predict the weather. Please check it on Sunday morning, then decide on your attire, waterproof etc.

Kind regards,

Paul R

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