[svccridesupdate] Re: Track Cycling Newport Velodrome Friday 7 April 23

Good morning everyone,

Just another update on the proposed Newport Velodrome visit, 7 Apr from 5-6pm. 
There are still 12 spaces available.
At moment David Hassall is the only one to confirm his availability.  He is prepared to drive and take passengers, hopefully those travelling with him will contribute to his fuel expenses? 
He is also willing to pick colleagues up from central Stroud. Thank you David.
Kit wise you only need to wear your normal cycling garb, gloves as well. cycling shoes not required…a question from Nick Carter.
Payment: Can I ask you to log onto their website to make the £20 payment. They will also require personal details. You can also pay for this over the phone, on 01633656757. They are very helpful.
Just keep me in the loop, so that I can coordinate any travel arrangements.
For those who can’t make the 7 Apr, there are 12 slots available on Fri 14 Apr 5-6 pm and 6-7 pm. But I will leave that up to you to book onto these sessions. I don’t need to be involved.
Hope we get more takers, sorry it’s not my thing, but hope those going have an a fantastic experience.
Kind regards,
Paul R

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On 18 Mar 2023, at 13:23, paul rothwell <pnr1952@outlook.com&gt; wrote:

Dear all,

Please refer to my previous email.
At the moment there has been limited response, so am sending the details out again.
There is an available slot for 1 hour, 5 – 6pm on Friday 7 April 23.
It’s the adult intro to track.
The cost will be £20. I guess the best way to pay is to do it through the Club Treasurer, Chris Padmore. And he will pay the Velodrome.
The other option (probably best) is you pay and book individually. The Velodrome will need your personal details, DoB, email address etc. I won’t be doing it, but am happy to coordinate it.
Please let me know asp is you would like me to go
ahead with this?
You just need your cycling attire, shoes, gloves etc. it is fixed wheel, so a totally different type of cycling.
Can you also let me know if you would be prepared to take your car and share.
Best wishes,
Paul R

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On 6 Mar 2023, at 17:59, paul rothwell <pnr1952@outlook.com&gt; wrote:

Dear all,
Last year during one of our Thursday rides this was was brought up in conversation. 
I gather some members may have visited the Velodrome, Newport, but it may have been some time ago.
At this stage, I just want to sound you out.  Would any of you be interested in having a go at this unique form of cycling?
I probably won’t do it myself, but would be happy to organise it for you, assuming there is enough interest?
Attached is the link for your perusal.
Just a thought:
1. We could car share 
2. Cycle there and back on the same day, but that  maybe asking a bit too much!
3. Cycle there and stay overnight in the Newport area. Turn it into a social event
Please let me know what you think? 
Other social/fun/adventure events. There are a couple of other things that I have in mind. Will put these to you over the few weeks.
Paul R
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